Ar3Tiq'S Pag3

Khamis, 9 Jun 2011

Chemistry Oh Chemistry....

Okey semua plajar Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah yang berada dalam kelas saya patut berbangga kerana...........(blah,blah,blah n merepek).... ni yg lecterur chemist aq 'berkhutbah' kat depan for the first tyme I enter Chemistry lecture... Perghhh!! pade mulenye x rase ape2 lar, after that, one of my whole body rse 'terbakar' semacam.... BENGANG SIUT!!!! Habis je lecture chemist smua owg ckap, bpak ar ckgu tu merepek memanjang pule.....

2nd week aq dah berada di Matrik yg 'tercinta' ni... and terus trang aq ngaku pembelajaran dyeowg mmg laju tpi efisien... It depends to us to revise back or we gonna 'terlepas' train ar... cni punye konsep, ko nak blaj gi carik lecterur sndri n lau lecterur x de, nseb ar... minggu ni klas kne rombak ag.... aq dpat lg kwn yg aq x brape nk knal, but terpakse kenal coz utk kepentingan blaja.. lau x alone ar...

Windu dowh trustrang aq ckap kt membe2 aqex-sepang, junior2 sepang aq n BFF aq..... cni 4 da first tyme in my life, aq rse kekok tok bergaul eithr lelaki or perempuan... Sebab utame aq ialah faktor asal aku yg x brape nk paham culture dyeowg.... But what i care.... It doesn't really mean anything to me, life is simple... If u wanna be friend wid me, lets be friend or don't want, bleyh blah ar!!!!

Kat cni gark aq blaja erti stayup in morning, blaja bersungguh-sungguh dgn hebatnye..
Love to be here n very miss my Family so much...

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