Ar3Tiq'S Pag3

Rabu, 29 Jun 2011

Netball to Basket ball..... Sumpah Penat!

Tolong lari 10 round keliling court ni ye.... kte coach yg 'tersyang' Basketball aq...... Penat!!!!!!!!!!!
Setelah lima bulan 'membesarkan badan di rumah, kne bantai lari 10 round, memang macam nak mati ar....
tapi, tiba-tiba aq 'ternangis' dpan coach tpi bagi reason mata aq sakit terlangar something..... Hakikatnye setiap tapak aq lari aqteringat geng Bola Jaring at SEPTECH.. its really meaningful u know.... tpi aq  x leyh tahan teringat kat Adek, Kakak, Ana, Leya, Leyla, and others.... teringat stiap detik aq wat practice dgn dyeowg.. x pernah pressure lgsg!!!!! Tpi smlm sumpah mmg aq bnyk mencarut nak mampos! Geram dapat coach lelaki yang x de perasaan muke mcm nk mintax pelempang! Rindu Kowg!!!! Ckgu Fazilah n Puan Normadiah!!! aq windu stiap satu detik.... mcm ne kn kowg skrg kn??? Ireally hope that oneday Allah akn murahkan rezeki kita semua supaya dapat berjumpa balik... Isk3x...... Love you All!!!!! May Allah Bless you All and Don't forget me okey???

Ahad, 19 Jun 2011

Chemistry+ Physic+ Scxience computer + Agama + MUET

today for the first tyme in my life i'm debating english luive in my tutorial class!!! my words kind a bit rubbish and talking nonsence.. yeah, dats me like to talking nonsence.... hahahaha.. last night when i studied chemistry and physic it remind how lazy i am when teacher was teaching,  i was sleeping at behind..huahuahua... seriously i really love to study here but sometimes when u see sumone with their old friend and talking about their past story at the old school, serious i'm not lying its kind of sad but nevermind... its better not to many of my friend here or i  will not study.... its really chalengging here when i've live here almost for a month... now i really seen sape rajin study and sape x rajin study... and for the firsty time in my life i stay up in late of da nite!!!!!! anyway, just wanna say gudluck to Ana Almunawwarah dat is ur turn now to go study at Maktab Perguruan...

Rasekan ye Ana... hehehehhe... kteowg dah lalui... heeee.... To Odah and Leya, I'm really sorry for words at FB that hve hurt u all... its okay if u dun wanna talk or mcg me anymore just reply me dat u've forgive me...... Dats all 4 today.....

Khamis, 9 Jun 2011

Chemistry Oh Chemistry....

Okey semua plajar Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah yang berada dalam kelas saya patut berbangga kerana...........(blah,blah,blah n merepek).... ni yg lecterur chemist aq 'berkhutbah' kat depan for the first tyme I enter Chemistry lecture... Perghhh!! pade mulenye x rase ape2 lar, after that, one of my whole body rse 'terbakar' semacam.... BENGANG SIUT!!!! Habis je lecture chemist smua owg ckap, bpak ar ckgu tu merepek memanjang pule.....

2nd week aq dah berada di Matrik yg 'tercinta' ni... and terus trang aq ngaku pembelajaran dyeowg mmg laju tpi efisien... It depends to us to revise back or we gonna 'terlepas' train ar... cni punye konsep, ko nak blaj gi carik lecterur sndri n lau lecterur x de, nseb ar... minggu ni klas kne rombak ag.... aq dpat lg kwn yg aq x brape nk knal, but terpakse kenal coz utk kepentingan blaja.. lau x alone ar...

Windu dowh trustrang aq ckap kt membe2 aqex-sepang, junior2 sepang aq n BFF aq..... cni 4 da first tyme in my life, aq rse kekok tok bergaul eithr lelaki or perempuan... Sebab utame aq ialah faktor asal aku yg x brape nk paham culture dyeowg.... But what i care.... It doesn't really mean anything to me, life is simple... If u wanna be friend wid me, lets be friend or don't want, bleyh blah ar!!!!

Kat cni gark aq blaja erti stayup in morning, blaja bersungguh-sungguh dgn hebatnye..
Love to be here n very miss my Family so much...