Kehidupan kita sebagai insan Allah yang Dicintai WAJIB diterusakan walaupun kita ni kehilangan sumone yang kite sangat sayangi. Bak kte orang "Love Till U Die" ar.. Altough sumtimes orang tu kite predict dye dah x sayang kite dah tapi ape-ape sahaja situation yang berlaku kowng kene redha.. I actually not a good advisor but nevertheless aq mcm nampak sowang kawan aq ni memang dalam keadaan sampai sekarang kiteowng loss conrtact ngan dye lar... Promise still a Promise sis.. U told us not to loss contact whenever in any situation rite... I believe that time heal everything altough u hurt it so much deeply till u can't tell us what happened to u' Friend...
-for u friend-
Bersabar lar ye kawan2.... Lumrah hidop.. Kadang2 kite kat atas and sumtimes we in a bad situation.. Tu test tok kite je tau.. Ni blom ag parents sebenar kite meninggalkan kite semua.. I really want to share wid all of u wid some kind of situation that their one of their parents 'left' them forever.. But this really a two different situation..
ok lar.. Hamba Allah pertama ni aq gelar lar dye sebagai A ok??? Si A ni parents dye meninggal a few weeks before dye SPM.. Before that dye accident with kind of terrible injured.. Can u feel the same way as her.. at the same time.. Allah uji dye accident, tulang belakang agak rosak and after a few weeks later dye dapat tau bapak dye ade KANSER... Dye still tabah menghadapi ujianNYA tapi Allah lebih menyayangi Ayahnya so Allah tamatkan ajal ayah dye a few weeks after ayah dye terlantar kat hospital.. Altough seriously aq cakap dye memang x banyak kawan and mulot dye kind of celupar ckit.. Aq tetap nampak kekusaman kat muke dye setiap kali kiteowg citer pasal ayah masing-masing... Like this quotes 'Sometimes you have to let go of the one you love to find out if there is really something there'
For the next person ni plak, aq gelar dye Si B... Muke dye memang boleh dah digambarkan seorang anak yang menghormati parents dye, periang and kuat menangis.. heee.. sowi yer B... Tapi ni pon lagi seorang yang aq sungguh kagum ngan kekuatan yang ade kat dye... Dye kehilangan owang yang sangat sayanginya ketika lagi 2 minggu dye nak masuk Matriks... Matenye memang sembab ar.. Setiap kali solatnye penuh kekhusyukkan, tangisan menangis pada yang ILLAHI agar ayahnya dirahmati dan diberkatiNYA.. Altough dye bwu aq knal, tapi aq rase mcam dye ni muke outside je happy tapi dalam hati still merase kehilangannya.. Keriangan dye kadang-kadang sementara sahaja kerana akan ade suatu mase dye akan menangis.. Aq terase sangat sebab aq ni yang still ade parents lengkap and kind of a perfect parents yang kite ader pon kite tak bersyukur lagi.. X paham kenape manusia ni??? and aq x nak cakap kat sesiapa pon or rujuk kat anybody sebab sumkind of human yang selalu terase ape yang orang cakap is a human that CAN"T ACCEPT THEIR OWN WEAKNESS....... try accept other opinion coz u live in diz universal world and not in your world.. If you feel sad, express it with some kind of way you like it other than telling people about your sadness.. Sometimes people that rarely asked about your situation is a people actually remember you always on their side.. Jangan ingat dengan x contact or kiteorang x contact ko kite owg didn't care about you anymore... Since that thing happen, i always watchout my mouth from said something that boley mengaibkan muke owg tu altough dye prnah wat bnda yang sme kat kite.. Bcoz of sumkind of situation that some advisor only proved their rights,, think it back coz not all advisor can apply what their advice to themselves...
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