Ar3Tiq'S Pag3

Selasa, 12 Julai 2011

Redox Reaction And Peti Pertolongan Cemas..

Dah lame x update blog.. tapi hari ni actually memang banyak cite but I make it short.. sometimes my tutorial classmate seems didn't understand me well.. okay.. I repeat WELL.. so tadi mase aq wat experiment tentang redox, we have to handle to many acid.. Altough is not harmful its still ACID okay... still harmful... tu x pe ag.. boleh ag bersabar, nie nak start our experiment ni, membe one of my group x abes2 tnye x putus2 pasal mcm ne step nak wat.. HELLO!!! kte kat matrix skrg!!! not in secondary school okay!! We have been provided manual book for each experiment lab, so whats da point now you didn't know the steps how to do it??!!! Dah ar x tau, x nak plak tnya ckgu... bertambah BARA ar aku.. oppsss, sorry in Kedah Darul Aman BARA Bring da meaning memang tengah marah gler..... so after dat, bdax tu merosakkan experiment aq!! arghhhhhh!! Bengang Siut!! after dat, ah tau silap, x nak betulkan blek plak tu.. dye bleyh wat muker slamber dowk kt lab table salin ape yg ckgu tulis kat whiteboard... Dengan lancangnya, aq sound sepuas hati cakap biar aq wat sorang lpas ni tok experiment akan datang.... tros muke dye brubah.... aq wat bodo je.... At last, Allah even have Said, Patient is Worth it, markah experiment aq FULL MARK, bdax yg x paham bhse tu, kne tolak markah... Alhamdulillah.. Ya Allah sabar je lar... Klow kat SepTech, lembab2 kteowg dax teknik, x pandai2 kteowg dax teknik, still reti nak bce step by step for experiment.. Aq paling x SUKE menggelabah time experiment.. Sebab anything can happen.. we didn't know it right?? Ya Allah, U know dat how much I miss them.... Especially My Tegar Group and My Roommate.....

And U know something I've learned from my Co-Curiculum Teacher... Dye kte plastic is an universal usage to others... and for the First Aid Usage is, 1) to keep the medicine inside it, 2) To throw any rubbish, 3)To do CPR, 4) To place our anggota yang 'TERPUTUS" tu dalam tu... U might say it karut or ridiculous, but dat is da true babe! Tolong Jangan Buang Anggota Badan Korang Yang Terputus Except ure HEAD lar.... huahuahua.... Thats it for today I wanna share...